Logo der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen

Zentrum ZMK

Policlinic for Dental Prosthetics

Work group oral biology and tissue regeneration

The medical training is often caught between an ever increasing medical knowledge and the demand of the society to convey this knowledge at a very short time. To meet this challenge, it is necessary to continually review the content of teaching in the light of its medical relevance. For example it is necessary to coordinate the teaching of related subjects.

Furthermore, because of the rapid scientific development it is also important to reduce the traditional, often redandant curriculum in order to gain more time for the study of new cell biological questions. Apart from teaching the relevant bascic scientific and medical knowledge, the goal of an academic education should be the acquisition of appropriate learning strategies and an independent scientific working capability. In this context, I see my role in supporting the students, for example with books, films, interactive computer programs or microscopes, etc.) and as a mentor in a direct dialog with the students. In parallel, lectures should only summarize key principles, demonstrate the relevance of the content of teaching and value it.